Thursday, April 28, 2011

Scheduling the Torture?

Signed up for class next semester. Can't complain. No 8am classes. They're back to back so I don't run back and forth between home and campus. Tuesday and Thursday there's enough time to go back home. My weekends start early. Class ends at 11:10am on Friday. Hopefully I signed up for everything correctly and there won't be any problems. Fall 2011, here I come. Oi....

Quote of the Day: "Fortune favors the prepared mind. " -Louis Pasteur

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Colorful Basket

It's been a busy day, but by far the most fun today has been dying Easter eggs. It's my favorite thing to do this time of year. I must have dyed about 15 of these. It never gets old. Quite a colorful collection along with pretty Easter grass, and some candy hiding in between! Omelette Dog even has her own egg!Aside from that, poor Shimmer has torn her paw pads pretty bad. We bought some Pawz booties, gauze, ointment, and adhesive tape. She's been great about me bandaging it up and we still went to the dog park and she was fine. Right now, it's just a matter of making sure she doesn't sit around and lick it sore again. Good thing is we don't have a trial coming up really soon so she can rest up and make sure it feels better. Love my little Shimmy lots. :)

Quote of the Day: "Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life." -S.D. Gordon

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Softly call the muster...

Softly call the muster,
Let the comrade answer "here",
Their spirits linger over,
As if to bring us cheer.

Well, tonight is Aggie Muster and I'm very sad I'm not able to attend. I will definitely try to make it next year considering my situation may be a tad different. My heart goes out to all those who have lost those special people in this past year. May Muster bring them comfort and support.

Aside from this note, I've had a crazy week. It definitely hasn't been the greatest except for the fact that I saw the First Lady of Aggieland twice and got one of the nicest pictures I have with her.
Along with that, huge congrats to my cousin for having her baby yesterday morning. He's happy and healthy and I'll probably get to meet my little 2nd cousin tomorrow. I'm curious to see what Shimmy will do since I don't think she's ever met an actual baby before. I'm sure she'll sniff, and then walk off to do more "interesting" things. Looking forward to heading out for a mall adventure with Ariana tomorrow, getting together with Ceci sometime this weekend as well, and just relaxing! Thank goodness!!

Hope everyone has a very Happy Easter with family and friends this weekend!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Parents Weekend in Aggieland

Parents weekend started out with tons of good things. Dani slept over on Friday and we took Shimmer to the dog park so she definitely had a good time. Mommy got here around 10 am on Saturday, and we went out to breakfast at IHOP with Dani. Afterwards we hit up some tent sales with Shimmy and I got a new pair of flip flops and two awesome new t-shirts. We dropped Shim off and headed to campus and walked around a bit. Sadly, Reveille wasn't anywhere to be seen, but we went and visited Bisbee. Mom absolutely loved him, and he put on quite a show stalking a couple of squirrels in the trees and on the ground next to his little area. Shimmy then got to take another trip to the dog park, but sadly, there were some ignorant owners and not so well behaved dogs there on Saturday so Shimmy was smart and didn't play much. We headed to Olive Garden for dinner and had oodles of breadsticks (which are the best I might add). Sunday morning we got up and just relaxed a bit. We met Dani and her parents for lunch at Texas Roadhouse around 1pm. Delicious food with good company. After that we went to the hotel and I got to meet Dani's bunny, Genevieve Cinnabun and their dog Bella-absolutely adorable. :) We then headed back to the house so they could meet Shimmer, who milked the attention for all it was worth, as she always does. We then parted ways and mom and I headed to the grocery store, then the mall, and then spooned it up at Spoons Frozen Yogurt. Lastly, Shimmy got to go to the dog park for the third time this weekend and today there were some great people and dogs and Shimmer had a ball! She's so tuckered out right now sleeping. She got a bath afterwards, which she was absolutely outraged about. I have a good smelling dog now, though. Mom had to leave, sadly, but the great news is I get to see her Thursday night since we have Friday off. I've worked on my Chem Lab Final paper and actually finished it which is great news for me! Final on Wednesday and I'll be done with the first year chemistry program's lab section. Though I'm happy it'll be over, this semester wasn't as terrible as last. Well, we'll see what I say after I take that final lab test....that one is always a killer. Regardless, I'm munching on food right now, and hopefully I'll get some more energy in so that I can write my History paper. Granted, it isn't due until the 25th, but why not get ahead while I can? I've still got quite a bit to do next week and if I can catch up or get ahead in any way tonight, I'll take that chance! Aside from that, it was an awesome weekend filled with good food, great people, and fun times!!! I feel refreshed and ready to tackle this week. Summer is almost here!

Quote of the Day: "In between goals is a thing called life that has to be lived and enjoyed." -Sid Caesar

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rest and Relaxation?

Say it isn't so! We've had a busy week. Monday the lease for the new house was signed. Woohoo for that! It'll be exciting next semester. Aside from that, a good part of my Monday and Tuesday was spent filling my brain with needless information about Biologies and Chemistries things! My brain just about exploded. I skipped History, thank goodness, it definitely helped to study more. I'm not sure how I feel about both tests....I don't want to expect anything, considering if I get my hopes up and then did awful, I'll be sad...

Regardless, today was a bit more of a relaxing day. Though still filled with school and homework, it wasn't too bad, I just felt like a zombie all day and was too lazy to move for the most this a bad thing in college? I wrote my Biology Lab paper today though, so yay for getting something done. After that, I said screw homework and took Shimmy for a walk with the friends. I still have my huge final Chem Lab paper to write and to study for that final Lab test....woohoo. I'm so freaking ecstatic.

Good thing to look forward to this weekend, however, is that it's parent's weekend and the madre is coming up for a visit. Dani's sleeping over tomorrow, we're heading to the movies and doing a tv marathon at the house afterwards. Then it's out to breakfast when mommy gets here! Sunday we're heading to lunch with her parents, so all in all it should be a relaxing kind of weekend. Here's to hoping at least... Aside from that there's nothing to report, though I felt it was necessary to update seeing as I am getting lazy with this thing. I shall not fall behind in my blogging duties! At least, I'll try not to...considering there are some people that enjoy stalking this thing.. *cough Emily Kirkpatrick cough* ;) Special mention to her hahaha just because apparently she loves creeping on here and reading what I ramble about. I didn't think I was interesting, but maybe I am..just a tad? Hope everyone has a great start to their weekend-tomorrow is FRIDAY!

Quote of the Day: "The time to relax is when you don't have time for it." -Sydney J. Harris

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a weekend!!

Yep! The title just about sums it up, but I'll elaborate. Yesterday was Vet School Open House and we had a great time. Flyball demos went well, and I was fortunate enough to be able to run a friend's amazing little border collie who just lives for the sport. Along with that, Shimmy and I were able to help participate in the agility demo and Shimmy's eyes just lit up. I think she just might like agility... ;) Afterwards, we headed to a friend's house for some good food and to let the pups play and enjoy the AC after a HOT HOT HOT day! Fun was definitely had by all! Today was even more awesome and I'm still on a high from it. The started out kind of wacky, the GPS was giving us problems and I was cranky due to lack of sleep...go figure. We got to New Caney on time though and our first run was Masters Gamblers. Shimmy smacked it down with a Q and 3rd place, and it definitely wasn't an easy gamble either. I was super proud of her. Starters Standard was just about right after that, but a very nice course that I was confident we could tackle. Shimmer surprised me again and had a perfect run with a fabulous attempt at the teeter and no hesitation. Our hard efforts and patience were rewarded with a Q, a 1st place, and FINALLY that long awaited AD title. I know it may seem silly, but dogwalk and teeter problems have been on Shimmer's list for quite some time now. I think because we put so much emphasis on both, she got too frazzled and picked one to work on (the dogwalk). After that became less scary we were able to work on the teeter and she's show massive improvements. I know we're definitely not out of the complete worry zone yet, and we're going to continue working on confidence. I won't be pushing a teeter in any runs unless it calls for the teeter to be taken. She's approaching it with confidence, on the first try, and staying on it, which is just awesome and brings a huge smile to my face. We had a long way, which was probably good for Shimmer, and ran Masters Snooker last. I tried to keep it as simple and flowy as possible to keep her motivated and took the conservative 3 reds, instead of 4 reds, choice. She did great and took the teeter in that class as well on the first try. She took a short pause before having it come down, and I believe that's what caused us to be just a fraction of a second short taking the last jump of sequence 7. Regardless, we got our 40 points and came out with a Q! Way to go Shim-Shim! I think the more we practice Masters Snooker and get experience, and if it's earlier in the day, I'll be able to push her and get a Super Q out of it. But, time and patience will reward us in that aspect as well. For now, I'm just happy to have a healthy dog that loves doing what she does out there with me, and for all the positive lately. It's been a very good couple of trials for us and I feel we're at a point where we are clicking again. We'll be doing another USDAA in mid-May (after the school hassle), in New Caney, so hopefully we can get some more great positive moments to happen there. We've got some resting up to do this week, well Shimmy does, and I'll be studying my butt off, but hey, it's all good. Someone is pooped and sleeping in her kennel, and I imagine, very happy! I have the best dog, I really do. She would do anything for me, and for not seeing equipment at all (we have nothing in the yard where we are right now) and not taking classes, I'd say we're doing pretty damn well! Best little Omelette Dog ever! I love her so much. I'm truly blessed...I am.

Quote of the Day: "Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing." -Camille Pissarro

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fun Weekend Ahead

Vet School Open House is this weekend! It's definitely going to be an exciting day. Ginny is over to spend the night and my mom and Debra are coming tomorrow. We'll head over to the vet school and set up for a fun time. Should be fun to participate in some flyball demos. Aside from that we're doing one day of USDAA in New Caney on Sunday. We're entered in Masters Gamblers, Masters Snooker, and the infamous Starters Standard. Hopefully she'll remember the great teeter happenings from our March show and perform well in Standard. Honestly, all I'm looking for is a positive teeter performance, but getting our AD would be such a highlight. We'll just keep practicing and working on our teamwork, confidence, and communication. I've been furiously working on homework so that is the reason the blog has been neglected...sad I know. I'm happy to report I have finished my 2 lab reports though. Now, to finish reading the book for Monday's history discussion and study for the Chem test and Bio test on Wednesday. Wednesday will be hell, but if I can get through it (and I will) I'll be happy to be done with it! After that I'll start on my history paper over the book and my Psychology reaction paper. May 11th, I just keep thinking that it's only about one month left! The weekend of the 16-17 is parents weekend and the madre is coming up for a weekend visit and I'll finally meet Dani's parents and the bunny! Also, other good news is, we almost have our house! We're supposed to sign the lease on Monday so here's to hoping all goes well-fingers are crossed! Aside from that I'm excited for easter considering I'll be getting to go home for 3 days! That's the last home visit before summer so after easter is the home stretch! Nothing else new to report at the moment though. I think I've covered just about everything. Hopefully, I'll be able to get another post in tomorrow and tell y'all all about the Open House and what not. Hope everyone has an absolutely awesome weekend!!!

Quote of the Day: "I forgot one. Sorry!" -Marcella Ward :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Missing Home and Loosing my Sanity

For some reason, I'm really wanting to go home this weekend. Sadly, there is homework that needs to be done, and instead I'll be focusing on that. Excited for the next three weekends after this though. The month of April has a busy agenda! April 9th is Vet School Open House and that should be tons of fun. The day after that we're doing one day of USDAA on April 10th. Just entered three runs, but it'll be fun to go and play with my girl one day. April 15-17th is Parent's Weekend and the madre will be coming up to Aggieland for a good time! The week after that we'll have Friday off and I'll be headed home for a three day weekend. The weekend following that won't be a going home weekend, but May 11th is approaching. It's only a matter of time before summer comes. Monday, Ginny, Dani and I will be heading out to look at more properties and hopefully find our perfect one so we can sign a lease! Wish us luck!! Aside from the exciting weekends coming up though, I also have lots of crappy school stuff coming up. Next week Wednesday, my stupid Biology Lab Project is due. I began it tonight, and it's no fun. Hopefully I'll be done by Sunday or Monday night though. Psych test on Thursday and then studying some more over the weekend to prepare for April 13th (aka the hell day this semester). Of course, lucky for me *not the sarcasm* it's on guessed it....Wednesday. D: Not good at all. So after chem lab, I'm going to be a cool college kid and skip history to prepare for my back to back chem and bio tests and then bio lab. Good thing we don't have Pre-Vet Society that night. I'll be too beat. Knowing me, I'll be wanting to push myself to go to History class. I'm anti-social in that class, hence no one I can ask for notes if I miss. However, it must be done seeing as I will lose my mind before my tests if I don't. I'll be enlisting the help of Dani and Ginny to keep me from going to class....I'm the type of person that has to be forced from going TO class-pathetic, I know. I think the week after that calls for a smaller break. Aside from the History paper due April 25th and the Psychology paper due April 26th. Yes, it's wonderful being a college student...ha...ha...ha... I'm loosing my sanity me thinks. Oh well, what can you do. As previously stated on Facebook: School has robbed me of my life's existence. With that being said, I need to go build bridges for Biology. Lots and lots of bridges...

Quote of the Day: "Education is all a matter of building bridges. " -Ralph Ellison