Monday, February 28, 2011

Another Productive Monday

Today actually turned out to be a really great Monday. The History test went by quickly, though I'm not sure how I did. There were some things that came back to be and some other questions where you have that "um, no clue, best guess?" moments. Hopefully I did decently though. Chemistry class was confusing as always, and lets just hope Wednesday's test shows mercy. Biology class was fun considering all our questions from the question box were answered and the class just had so many that we didn't get a chance to start the lecture on Protists. But, hey, it was fun anyway. After class Ginny came by to hang out for a while and Dani joined in shortly after she was done with class. (I definitely don't think there will be any issues with us living in the same house...) We studied for a good 4 hours with a short dinner break in between. Lots of Chemistry problems done, Chem labs finished, and Biology Lab vocabulary reviewed. Let's hope it's all worth it! This Biology practical will be a tough one, but I hope the hard work we're putting in will pay off. Shimmer got a short walk in between as well and was happy to get out. Poor Omelette Dog puts up with lots of studying on and before test weeks. I love her. Around 8:30pm we finally called it quits and watched the new episode of Pretty Little Liars (which was absolutely amazing) and of course an episode of Charmed. Tomorrow is going to be good considering I still get to sleep in until 8:00am and only have one class. After that I get to study some more....yay, I'm so enthusiastic about this. Wednesday just needs to be done with. Still debating whether or not it will be worth it to skip History on Wednesday. Considering we just had a test and are starting on a clean slate, the fact that I have 2 allowed absences before losing grade points, and the fact that Wednesday is going to be packed (not to mention with a long Chem lab) I just don't want to burn out. I've never skipped a class just to skip it and I guess this wouldn't be the case either. I missed a day once when Shimmer was sick back in October, but who would have wanted a crying wreck in class that day? I wouldn't have been able to even focus. I guess after a long Chem lab and before a Chem test, a Bio lecture, and then a Biology practical, I really don't have an obligation to go to History and I really don't want to. I could use that time to refresh right before my Chem test (which is probably the wise choice). Knowing me I'll probably be the wuss, chicken out, and drag myself to History, but we won't know for sure until Wednesday at 11:30am when I chose to walk into that lecture hall or not. Am I putting too much thought into this? I sure hope not.... ;) Shimmy is currently sleeping peacefully which always makes me smile and I feel quite accomplished after a successful, busy, but nonetheless fun afternoon/evening with friends. Monday's are definitely better than they used to be! Way better!!!

Quote of the Day: "Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake." -Victor Hugo

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Yesterday went well though we only got to look at 3 houses and go into 1. People bailed on us but after ward we went to Muldoons, got coffee, and checked out We actually found several nice places and are hoping to have a realtor show us some of these places before Spring Break. Hopefully, we will have something by the end of March. It may be a Townhouse, but since I can't do agility in the backyard here I don't think I'll really be upset without one. We'll also be able to take the dogs to the park and field and Shimmer enjoys her daily walks. We did take the dogs to the park yesterday and Shimmy had such a good time. A huge smile on her face and zooming around, exploring, and wading in the water. After that we headed to Olive Garden which was amazing as always. Then to Spoons for frozen yogurt which Shimmy really enjoyed.We'll definitely be doing these types of things more often once we live together. :) Should be tons of fun. Now I'm stuck with homework, which I really don't want to do. Studying also sucks big time. I did most of my chem lab though, and am leaving the tricky part for another day. It isn't due until Wednesday morning anyway. I had lunch and studied Bio lab which worked well, but took a break on that. I guess I just don't want to burn myself out. Which is a good thing. I'll work on Chemistry lecture stuff tomorrow, but I'm absolutely avoiding History so much. I don't know what it is about the class, the subject, the prof... I can't stand any of it. I have it pulled up, read a few sentences and decided to update here.

In other news, I finally uploaded our trial video. Granted, it still doesn't include our Masters Jumpers run someone filled for us, but that's ok. It was a good trial and I enjoyed it. Youtube did steal the audio though, which pisses me off. If I really wanted to make money off of the music wouldn't I have done this already? But, whatever, stupid Youtube. It makes me angry. If interested it's on our Youtube account and our Facebook profile. Aside from that I have nothing else to report at the moment, so I guess I will force myself to go study History....or I may go do something else just because I hate the thought of my History test tomorrow.

Quote of the Day: "Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment." -Robert Benchley

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nothing too Exciting to Report

Currently eating Swedish Fish. Those things are amazing. Good day for the most part. Psych was cut short due to my prof not feeling good. I gladly took the 35 minutes extra free time, but had to postpone our meeting to Tuesday. Sbisa lunch with Ginny was awesome. We had a good time. BIMS 101 was pretty boring, but not awful either. It seemed to go by quickly today. Got home a few minutes ago and now just chilling I guess. Maybe waiting for something exciting to happen? Trying to think of something to snack on considering I have the munchies. The only down side to college really, is that every day you have a different schedule, so every day your eating habits are all wacky. This is no fun for me...In other exciting news, I have absolutely NOTHING exciting to report. Well actually, I do have news, but I'll make a post about that some other time. :) I guess this will be one of my shorter posts. Oh, well, See Spot Run Pre-Vet Society activity this weekend. Dani, Omelette Dog, and I are gonna head out there. Then looking at some houses, and then taking the dogs to the park (maybe). That's as exciting as this post gets. But, hey, at least it's a tad more exciting than before. ;)

Quote of the Day: "Secrets are made to be found out with time." -Charles Sanford

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Not a Bad Wednesday

Chemistry lab was short which totally made my morning. I was able to come home and see my Omelette Dog. Lectures weren't too bad either. Biology Lab didn't last long, and we got let out early so I was able to let Shimmer out and feed her. Pre-Vet Society meeting in about an hour. I'll pay my dues, finally (thank goodness I can get that done). On another happy note-my FAFSA is updated! Now all I have to do is wait and see how much I can receive. I really hope this coming year treats me as well if not better than this year. It's been such a big help and I don't know how I'd manage to do it without financial aid. Thank doG for that kind of help! Meeting with the Psychology prof tomorrow to talk conditioning and shaping-so excited! :) I wish however that I could bring the Shimmy. Sadly, she can't enter any buildings. :( Unless she's a service dog, which we're still considering doing. Which also reminds me, I should send in her CGC paperwork stuff...I mean I have two years, but do I really want to wait until November 2012? Not really....on another note, I saw Reveille VIII today! Loved on her a little and was so happy to see her. Makes my day! Seriously, hands down, my university has the world's BEST mascot ever. Who doesn't love a fluffy Collie that gets to go to class with you? She's such a sweet dog. I hope Shimmy gets to meet her someday. If that's one thing I'd like, it's a picture of Shimmy and Miss Rev before I'm done with college. Ok, goal set. I have 7 years to accomplish this... Aside from that the website is updated a bit more. Not much new to report, but if you want to have a look, feel free to. In other news, I'm starving. Really would love to have some food now. Pre-Vet Society will feed me. Yay for free food from joining a club. Shimmy is snoozing away and I have to decide on a picture of the day. Still have about 6 hours to decide on that to. So happy I get to sleep in tomorrow-8am is way better than today's 6am wake up call. I can do 8am...sometimes 7:30am which is still pushing it. Anything before 7:30am is a BIG no-no and makes for a very cranky Marcella. It's a good thing I only have one 8am class this semester. Anyway, I guess I'll call it a day and be done with my post. Shocker, I wrote a lot again. For some reason this rambling thing works for me. Not sure if it works for anyone else, but whatever!

Quote of the Day: "There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded." -Mark Twain

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Good Week So Far

So, tomorrow is my day from hell, but so far this week has been pretty fabulous. Yesterday went well, and today was quite productive. We discussed classical and operant conditioning in Psychology. Totally my subject of love! The more I go to Psychology, the more I'm considering making it my minor. Of course, that all depends on what else I'll be taking, but it's a strong possibility! Hung out at the library today for a while and got some more History reading done. I can't stand that book, but at least I'm getting it done. History test on Monday-super eww. Hopefully it'll go well. Chem test next Wednesday, and I predict that things may not go so well. Right now Chemistry is so over my head. Why did math have to ruin it? I was actually starting to become friends with Chemistry. We were hanging out and not fighting, but then math shoved its way into the picture. So sad...And then Biology Lab practical that same day. Should be fun! *ultimate sarcasm* I'll need to study for that but hey, at least there's no Biology or Psychology test next week so I won't be totally bombarded. Other bright side, I can study for History over the weekend and half of Bio and Chem will be on the weekend, the other half on Monday night and Tuesday afternoon. Study schedule-check. On another side note, I'm addicted to music. Especially new music. It makes me happy! I'm totally going back and forth here but, another good thing, 2 more credits of Psych research done today. 4 credits down, 6 credits to go! I'll have to sign up for some more studies soon. On a bit of a sad note, I won't be able to get into research or volunteering with the bats this semester seeing as they've already started, but I'll definitely be checking into it for this coming fall. I have a strange fondness for bats now. Thank you Dr. Bohn. Chem lab is rumored to be short again tomorrow so that already makes me look forward to tomorrow a bit more than if it were long. I do have Pre-Vet Society tomorrow night, but as long as the guest speaker doesn't ramble on until 9pm like last time I won't feel the need to head dive into the pizza they give us. (This nearly happened last time due to me being so freaking tired.) Looking forward to the weekend as well! Lots of good things going on right now. Lots of stuff going on in general, but many of the things going on are very good things and things to look forward to. Spring break is nearly here, which will be absolutely amazing! It'll be great to celebrate my Mommy's birthday, go to the rodeo (hell yes!), and of course my lucky birthday and 3 days of agility trial! Counting down the days until March 11th. Other than that I have nothing exciting to add at the moment. I hope everyone has a great rest of the week. Oh and click and treat for me for keeping up with my blog. I'm actually updating regularly, even if most of the posts aren't as lengthy as this one they are present! I will try to start posting more things from now on though and be a tad more interesting. For some reason I just had lots to talk about today. So, I guess this means I won't be pondering whether or not to make another post later today or not (which I never really do anyway, oops).... :)

Quote of the Day: "Life becomes precious and more special to us when we look for the little everyday miracles and get excited about the privileges of simply being human." -Tim Hansel

Monday, February 21, 2011

Feeling Good

Today was a good day so far. Class went well, though it seemed a big long today. Talked to my bio prof today about animal behavior and even got to see the bats she works with in her lab. They're sooo tiny! I never imagined that they'd be that small. Regardless, I really want to look into doing research under her. They may not be dogs, but bats are definitely interesting. Omelette Dog is happily chewing on a bully stick, after 30 minutes of throwing it in the air acting like a dork because she was happy she had one. Pretty Little Liars comes on tonight-I love awesome TV shows. Rambling. But I guess it works. In other news, tomorrow I have only one class but I signed up for Psych research after wards. Oh well, hopefully I can get those credits out of the way soon. Right now, I should probably do some homework but I really don't want I guess that's out of the picture right now. Boredom is already sinking in and I've been home all but maybe 40 minutes at the most. Then again, homework would also simply mean reading the stupid History book that causes me to waste part of my existence. No thank you book about The Great Depression. I don't need to read about how bad times were. Not really in the mood to make myself feel sad. Anyway, enough of the rambling. I may take a nap-those are always fun. :)

Quote of the Day: "If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone." -John Maxwell

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Are We Sure it's Already Sunday?

Well this weekend flew by in a jiffy. I can't believe it's already 5pm Sunday. I'm really not ready to go back to class this week. It was a productive weekend nonetheless. Good times with friends and Shimmy. I also read for History a bit, though the book is as boring as can be. Someone save me on that one please. I get to sleep in as always tomorrow though so I am quite happy about that. Signed up for a Psych Research Appointment on Tuesday so I'll be somewhat busy. Lots of things on my to do list again, but as long as I can get them done when I want life will be good. Cleaned a bit this weekend, and furminated the Omelette Dog. Needless to say, someone was ticked off. I pet sat this weekend for the roommate. She was out at a flyball tournament so instead of one dog I had dogs. Everyone was good though. Lots of sleep this weekend makes for a happy Marcella. I actually feel quite rested which is surprising. Half the time I'm trying not to pass out from exhaustion. Sad part is, I don't do that much. I blame college, it causes my brain to fry. This causes Marcella to become sleepy. There, perfect explanation. I win. Aside from that I'm really craving Sour Patch Kids right now. I have no idea why. All I know is that I really want some...REALLY REALLY REALLY want some...maybe I'll purchase some later. That would make me happy. :)

Quote of the Day: "Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing." -Anonymous

Saturday, February 19, 2011

IHOP Madness and a Lazy Saturday

Today has been exciting so far. Dani slept over and we had fun. Shimmy is bored as always and hanging around. We're meeting Jaycee on campus to head to IHOP at 11am. Yum for breakfast samplers and never ending pancakes. College kids-we'll do anything to get as much food for as little money as possible. Taping Pirates of the Caribbean to watch later. Such a good movie. Davy Jones is priceless. Other than that we may take Shimmy to Petsmart and get t-shirts at Wal-mart. Big shout out to Emily Kirkpatrick who has a dance performance on campus today. Big news too-in exactly one week Ginny's dad is coming down to College Station to help us find a house to live in for next year. It'll be Shimmy and me, Ginny, Shadow, and Scout, and Dani and her bunny (Ginnybun). Should be a fun year. Agility course in the yard, three awesome dogs and a cool bunny. I absolutely love my friends. It's great to have people who are in the same major as you. BIMS people are amazing! Go us. And, of course the BIMS people that are going to Vet School soon! Anyway, that's all I really have to report. I'll end it with the quote of the day and hope everyone has a fantastic Saturday! Enjoy the weekend. :)

Quote of the Day: "Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends." -Anonymous

Friday, February 18, 2011

Avoidance Behavior

Being a dog person, relating just about anything to dogs is a specialty. History class today. Don't want to go. Anyone want to go for me? Didn't think so. I'm a science major, and history for some reason is requiring me to spend a lot of time with it. Not liking it one bit. After that I've got Chem and Bio though. Those two I'll gladly go to. Aside from that it's been a pretty boring morning. Nothing exciting to report. I had Honey Smacks for breakfast. Yum! :) Shimmy had ground duck heart and ground pork liver. Delicious! ;) Omelette Dog is now napping with her valentines puppy. Sighs of contentment-that's what I like to hear. Plans for tonight-more Charmed with Dani just because we're cool like that. This weekend, buying t-shirts and writing awesome stuff on them. Hopefully a trip to Spoons Frozen Yogurt, the addictive place. Gotta head out in a few so I guess I'll call this post done. Might post again tonight, might not. We will see....

Quote of the Day: "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." -Sun-tzu

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hanging out at the Vet School

Today has been a good day so far I must say. Psychology went well, and I absolutely love that class. I'm thinking more and more about minoring in Psychology. We'll see what it brings...I had a good lunch with Ginny at Sbisa and it was good to chat about some stuff. I'm now at the Vet School waiting around for my BIMS 101 class to begin. Not sure what type of guest speaker we have today but hopefully it'll someone as entertaining as the last one. I'm ready to head home though and relax. I'll probably work on my Chem lab so I won't have to bother with that this weekend. That would be oh so nice. Nothing else to report really, which is sort of pathetic. My life isn't that exciting at the moment. Hopefully it'll pick up soon. I like being here at the Vet School though-gives me hope for the future and makes me determined to really strive to get into Vet School on the first try and get that DVM title. For now, I'm still a Freshman though. Still, it's incredible how fast this year has gone by already, let alone the semester. I was just talking about that with Ginny at lunch and stuff in general like that...Time does fly.

Quote of the Day: "It always ends. That's what gives it value." -Neil Gaiman

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesdays aren't my Favorite

Well, it was that day today. Wednesday. Just another day, except for the fact that it wanted to drown me in school work and make me skip class. However, I persevered and got through the day. Chem lab went well. Short and simple, and now I just have to do the DRA which I will get to when I have more energy. Lectures went well though they were absolutely boring today and I could hardly keep my eyes open. Bio lab was alright and we got out early-so happy day for me! Dani and Ginny came over afterwards to watch some TV. After trying not to fall asleep some more I finally had to kick them out. I got a second wind so I thought I'd update the blog, but my attention span is getting shorter and shorter. It's getting more difficult to use my brain each second. Then again, that's not something abnormal... ;) Tomorrow I have Psychology and BIMS 101 so yay for an easy day. It won't be too exciting, but hey, I'll take it! Part of me is wishing I could go home for the weekend since a friend is having a get together for her birthday. Alas, it won't work this weekend, but I have other things happening this weekend, so I guess there's pros and cons to it all. Instead of going to a birthday get together I'll be making t-shirts with the college friends. Oh how I love the people I've found to hang out always spells trouble. Spoons Yogurt, Dani's iPhone that got demolished by a truck, Chemistry lecture doodles, Charmed and Perrier, and of course the famous "club", the secret names, and the specialties... :) I won't go into detail seeing as these are mostly inside jokes and all things that make me smile, but I figured, why not list some? Aside from that I will now post my picture of the day, if I can think of one, on Facebook. I shall then proceed to head to bed, because Marcella is tired. Omelette Dog is already crashed and dreaming away. Twitching and growling, never gets old watching her sleep. Love her so much. She's always so patient on Wednesday, along with every other day of the week. Have I ever mentioned I have the world's best little dog?

Quote of the Day: "My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet." -Edith Wharton

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Productivity at it's Finest

Psychology lecture this am (check). BIMS 101 Library Assignment (check). Laundry later (no check). It's been quite a productive day though. All in all my first round of tests went really well. I topped it off with an 80 on the Biology test and an 84 on the Psychology test. I'm also just so glad I'm done with this library assignment. I've had a busy day and it's going to continue to be productive. Chem lab is rumored to be very short so I'm actually somewhat looking forward to tomorrow since I'll be able to come home and let my Omelette Dog out and play with her. It'll still be a long day, but not as long as it could be or would be. Aside from that there's really nothing exciting to report, which is kind of sad actually. I'll grab lunch in a few and head back home and just relax and prepare myself for Chem lab and Bio lab. I may update again later on today. Depends on how I feel and if something riveting happens. For now, I hope everyone has a fabulous rest of their day! :) I'll add the quote of the day now in case I happen to not update again later.

Quote of the Day: "Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness." - George Santayana

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The $75 ribbons

Today was another great day at the Dog Gone Fun USDAA Trial in Crosby, Tx. Shimmer and I had a fabulous Masters Jumpers run, but I being the bad handler I am changed my plan and ended up causing a refusal so very close to the end. Bad Mommy! We then had a very long wait but Starters Standard went well. I caused an off course tunnel, but she attempted the teeter again! Needless to say, silly Mommy I am, I said good girl too soon and caused her to hop off. Still, we are receiving numerous teeter attempts and that's what I love seeing-as well as confident dogwalks. Advanced Snooker went exceptionally well considering she was very tired. She ran so well and we even won the class! That was leg 2 for Advanced Snooker so I was very happy with her! Considering the entire weekend we had an amazing one! I was very proud of all the little improvements we have made and can't wait to continue increasing her confidence. She was happy and running for the fun of it and that's what made this weekend so great! It was good to see all of our wonderful friends again (thanks to all who filmed, encouraged, and loved on the Omelette Dog). Our friends had some pretty great runs, too! A good weekend for everyone! Now it's time to head back up to College Station for another week of school. However, my crazy test week is behind me so it's back to lectures and lab work this week. Little Shimmy will rest well considering she had a VERY exciting weekend. Thanks to all who made it so much fun!

Quote of the day: "Be the person your dog thinks you are." -Anonymous

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy To Run Again

Today we had our first of two days of the Dog Gone Fun agility trial. Shimmer was only entered in Starters Standard and Masters Gamblers. Sadly we had to check in early and our runs had 7 hours in between, but I'm just happy to have gotten to run with my best girl again. Starters Standard went well and her attempt at the teeter was absolutely amazing. She only had the tiniest bit of a fly-off. Later on in the course there was a dogwalk discrimination in which she had to pick the dogwalk which she brilliantly did! And we finished strong with lots of confidence! I was so very proud of my Shimmy. Masters Gamblers was a great gamble and she did a fantastic job in the opening and got her weave poles, but Mommy didn't push out far enough on jump 4 to have her commit to it. She still back jumped it and finished with the last jump. She had a good time and gave me her all and I was so very happy with that. Lots of good things today that made me smile. I can't wait for tomorrow. We'll be running Masters Jumpers, Starters Standard, and Advanced Snooker (such variety I know)! We're going to shoot for another good teeter performance tomorrow and that's the goal we'll keep in mind! On another great note, we had Chinese food for dinner and it was amazingly yummy. My fortune tonight? "A good laugh and a good cry both cleanse the mind." So, very true and good to remember. Aside from that there's nothing new or exciting to report. Simply put, I am quite tired and will most likely head off to bed soon. With that I'll end with the quote of the day and hope everyone has an awesome day tomorrow filled with lots of fun!

Quote of the day: "Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, February 10, 2011


For those that have me added on Facebook, yesterday was not my day. Lots of crap happened including my long day at school of course, my mom hasn't been feeling up to standards, and the possibility that I might not go to the USDAA trial arose. However, now that I've talked to some people I've figured out a way to go, thank goodness, and I talked to my mom who is going to go to the doctor soon and did get a better nights sleep last night. On another note, Chem test from Monday-86! :) A super way to start the semester. I took my Psych test today and finished quite early so hopefully my confidence of my knowledge will reflect in my test grade. Biology test tomorrow which I will be studying for until Dani comes over yet again to hang out. Also going to try and motivate myself to finish my Chemistry Lab report so I won't have to worry about that this weekend. All in all, things are improving and I'm so glad. Shimmer and I went for a walk earlier and she's now content with herself. Ever so patient and sweet she is, my little Omelette dog. I love her to pieces. Hopefully she will enjoy the hell out of this weekend and play hard! I know I'm ready to be out on the course again. The weather is still chilly here, College Station is even more bipolar in its weather choices than Houston (which until now I didn't think was possible). However, the sun is shining and it's not uncomfortable to walk around outside, though it isn't exactly flip flop and shorts weather either (which is my favorite kind of weather). The weekend is predicted to have some nice temperatures though so I'm hoping that's true and it stays true. Tomorrow is a sleep in day so I'm glad about that. I'll be heading to History for a book discussion, Chemistry to learn more about lovely Thermodynamics, and Biology to *hopefully* beast out the test. So ready for the weekend though! I miss all of my agility friends. So, lucky in general to have so many wonderful and amazing friends that are always there for me. :) They're the absolute BEST!

Quote of the day: "A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself. " -Anonymous

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Just Another Tuesday

Words cannot express how much passion I have for hating Google at the moment. I was finally able to log in (though I'm sure I'll be logged out without my permission again) to my Youtube account. I don't understand the point of linking the two accounts. The e-mail I previously used to sign up for my account expired and so now I guess I can't verify it or whatever. Needless to say, I'm fed up with them at the moment.

On a brighter note, today was my easy day and I only had Psychology. Test on Thursday. Feeling ok about it. Still going to study some but not going to freak. Awaiting test results from Chemistry from yesterday....I should check, but part of me is scared too! We'll see. I read my lovely lab manuals earlier for my labs tomorrow, and as usual, I am not looking forward to Wednesday, but I'll try to make the best of it. Two labs and 3 lectures squished in between. It's always an interesting Wednesday. I heard the Chem lab was long, so that probably won't allow me to come let Shimmy out. I'll have to ask the roommate to let her go potty. Then I'll rush home with Ginny and Dani to feed her and let her out, and then the three of us are headed off to our very first Pre-Vet Society meeting. I'm excited, but I continuously ponder the question (why Wednesday)? I'll be tired tomorrow night. Good thing they only meet every other week. If I can make it through the week I'll be thrilled. Friday night we're headed home to Houston and off to Crosby for 2 days of USDAA this weekend. I for one am super excited considering it's been since December that we showed and we don't get to play agility much anymore me being busy and not having room in the yard and all.

Aside from that I'm just going to use the rest of the day to relax. Might as well. Dani's coming over at 4pm to watch some TV and just chill. I'll head to bed early tonight and brave the day tomorrow. One class at a time!

Also, I decided it'd be kind of cool to end my blog post with a quote or something. A thought for the day so to speak maybe? *If I can find who wrote the quote then I will most certainly give the credit, and if not I'll simply put anonymous. If you know the quote and who said it, I would very much appreciate it if you told me. :)

Quote of the day: "Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try." -Anonymous

Monday, February 7, 2011

Calling Blog #5 Billion

I've totally lost track and don't remember at all how many blogs I've started before this. However, I'm going to really try and keep this blog on my mind so that I can update in a timely manner. (hahaha, like that will happen...) Since this blog will be about Shimmy, myself, and my lovely and busy college life, I guess I'll start by saying that I am so superbly excited that my chem test is over with. I was so nervous this morning. Hopefully I did well, but hey, I did my best. That's all I really can do. Shimmer is currently bored out of her mind for no reason known to me. We played earlier and she just had dinner. I'm thrilled that we get to play agility this weekend! We haven't done USDAA since September 2010 so I'm ready to start playing snooker and gamblers again! Hopefully our weekend is productive. We'll definitely practice some more teeters during gamblers and snooker and use that as an opportunity to boost her confidence in the ring. Aside from that I have nothing else really exciting today except that I truly do hope that this is not the first and only post of this blog. I'm determined to keep this one going. It should be fun... :)