Thursday, September 13, 2012

Liebster Blog Award (From momentsofmezz)

Liebster Blog Award!

  • Liebster: [German] beloved, darling, sweetheart, dearest, lovely, nicest, sweetest

  1. Post 11 things about yourself.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the ‘tagger’ listed.
  3. Create 11 new questions to ask the bloggers they tag.
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers for the award and tag them in this post.
  5. Let the bloggers know.
  6. No tag backs!
11 things about me:
 1. My three favorite animals are dogs, guinea pigs and giraffes.
 2. I'm a firm believer in a little kindness going a long way.
 3. I love reptiles. I'm in the herpetology society in college and will gladly handle anything!
 4. I want to be a holistic veterinarian and change the way we think about how we care for our dogs.
 5. I consider myself agnostic. I'm not sure what I believe in and am on that path to finding it out.
 6. I don't like it when people are judgmental before finding out facts.
 7. I absolutely love photography and enjoy taking neat pictures.
 8. Even though I'm 20 years old, I watch Spongebob almost all the time.
 9. I lay sleeping on my stomach with one arm up and one arm down.
 10. I'm a diehard Texas A&M Aggie and I'm proud of it. WHOOP! <3
 11. Eleven is a lucky number...make a wish. :)

Questions from Heather Mesmer:
If you were a character in a horror movie, what would your role be and why?
Answer: The one doing the scaring. I don't want to be scared myself. 
If you had to study one famous person for an entire year, who would you choose?
Answer: Demi Lovato

Open your closet door. What does your wardrobe reveal about you?
Answer: I love being comfortable. If I could wear shorts and a t-shirt every day for the rest of my life I would.
What is one thing that you cannot go without every day (apart from the obvious/necessities)?
Answer: My phone. I'm always in touch with my friends and want to stay part of their lives.
What is your favorite TV show and which character would you consider to be closest to you and why?
Answer: Pretty Little Liars. Spencer. She's a hard worker, super obsessed with perfection, a total type A and she likes trying to find things out.
Would you change anything in your past if you had the chance, and if so what and why?
Answer: I would speak up more for myself. They say, "speak up even if your voice shakes". You have to make yourself heard, and for most of my life so far, I haven't.
Who is one person who has had a big impact on your life?
Answer: A friend named Jamie Kuhlman. She helped me to believe in myself again by believing in me and showing me how to be powerful.

At an amusement park, you run to the _________ first. (fill in the blank)
Answer: Rollercoaster? Not sure there's another answer that fits there...
If you had no Internet, no cell phone, no TV, and no form of transportation for an entire week, what would you do?
Answer: Play with my dogs. They'd be trick maniacs after that!
What was your favorite class in elementary school and why?
Answer: I always liked math. Go it's a pain in my ass.
During a cold, wintery day, you are most likely to be found….. (fill in the blank).
Answer: Hiding in my room under a blanket. Winter sucks. SERIOUSLY.

My Questions:

1) What is your most favorite possession in this entire world? The one thing you couldn't live without?
2) Do you believe in spirits, ghosts and hauntings?
3) What does your perfect day look like?
4) If you had the ability to do one thing without consequence, what would it be?
5) What is the worst thing someone can say to someone and what is the best thing?
6) If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be and why?
7) What is your favorite scent?
8) What is the greatest gift someone can give to you?
9) Your absolute most favorite book and why?
10) What is the craziest dream you've ever had?
11) If you could choose to live forever, would you? Why or why not?

I'm not going to tag any blogs but feel free to make a blog post if you'd like answering these questions. :)

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