Thursday, February 10, 2011


For those that have me added on Facebook, yesterday was not my day. Lots of crap happened including my long day at school of course, my mom hasn't been feeling up to standards, and the possibility that I might not go to the USDAA trial arose. However, now that I've talked to some people I've figured out a way to go, thank goodness, and I talked to my mom who is going to go to the doctor soon and did get a better nights sleep last night. On another note, Chem test from Monday-86! :) A super way to start the semester. I took my Psych test today and finished quite early so hopefully my confidence of my knowledge will reflect in my test grade. Biology test tomorrow which I will be studying for until Dani comes over yet again to hang out. Also going to try and motivate myself to finish my Chemistry Lab report so I won't have to worry about that this weekend. All in all, things are improving and I'm so glad. Shimmer and I went for a walk earlier and she's now content with herself. Ever so patient and sweet she is, my little Omelette dog. I love her to pieces. Hopefully she will enjoy the hell out of this weekend and play hard! I know I'm ready to be out on the course again. The weather is still chilly here, College Station is even more bipolar in its weather choices than Houston (which until now I didn't think was possible). However, the sun is shining and it's not uncomfortable to walk around outside, though it isn't exactly flip flop and shorts weather either (which is my favorite kind of weather). The weekend is predicted to have some nice temperatures though so I'm hoping that's true and it stays true. Tomorrow is a sleep in day so I'm glad about that. I'll be heading to History for a book discussion, Chemistry to learn more about lovely Thermodynamics, and Biology to *hopefully* beast out the test. So ready for the weekend though! I miss all of my agility friends. So, lucky in general to have so many wonderful and amazing friends that are always there for me. :) They're the absolute BEST!

Quote of the day: "A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself. " -Anonymous

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