So, tomorrow is my day from hell, but so far this week has been pretty fabulous. Yesterday went well, and today was quite productive. We discussed classical and operant conditioning in Psychology. Totally my subject of love! The more I go to Psychology, the more I'm considering making it my minor. Of course, that all depends on what else I'll be taking, but it's a strong possibility! Hung out at the library today for a while and got some more History reading done. I can't stand that book, but at least I'm getting it done. History test on Monday-super eww. Hopefully it'll go well. Chem test next Wednesday, and I predict that things may not go so well. Right now Chemistry is so over my head. Why did math have to ruin it? I was actually starting to become friends with Chemistry. We were hanging out and not fighting, but then math shoved its way into the picture. So sad...And then Biology Lab practical that same day. Should be fun! *ultimate sarcasm* I'll need to study for that but hey, at least there's no Biology or Psychology test next week so I won't be totally bombarded. Other bright side, I can study for History over the weekend and half of Bio and Chem will be on the weekend, the other half on Monday night and Tuesday afternoon. Study schedule-check. On another side note, I'm addicted to music. Especially new music. It makes me happy! I'm totally going back and forth here but, another good thing, 2 more credits of Psych research done today. 4 credits down, 6 credits to go! I'll have to sign up for some more studies soon. On a bit of a sad note, I won't be able to get into research or volunteering with the bats this semester seeing as they've already started, but I'll definitely be checking into it for this coming fall. I have a strange fondness for bats now. Thank you Dr. Bohn. Chem lab is rumored to be short again tomorrow so that already makes me look forward to tomorrow a bit more than if it were long. I do have Pre-Vet Society tomorrow night, but as long as the guest speaker doesn't ramble on until 9pm like last time I won't feel the need to head dive into the pizza they give us. (This nearly happened last time due to me being so freaking tired.) Looking forward to the weekend as well! Lots of good things going on right now. Lots of stuff going on in general, but many of the things going on are very good things and things to look forward to. Spring break is nearly here, which will be absolutely amazing! It'll be great to celebrate my Mommy's birthday, go to the rodeo (hell yes!), and of course my lucky birthday and 3 days of agility trial! Counting down the days until March 11th. Other than that I have nothing exciting to add at the moment. I hope everyone has a great rest of the week. Oh and click and treat for me for keeping up with my blog. I'm actually updating regularly, even if most of the posts aren't as lengthy as this one they are present! I will try to start posting more things from now on though and be a tad more interesting. For some reason I just had lots to talk about today. So, I guess this means I won't be pondering whether or not to make another post later today or not (which I never really do anyway, oops).... :)
Quote of the Day: "Life becomes precious and more special to us when we look for the little everyday miracles and get excited about the privileges of simply being human." -Tim Hansel
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