Sunday, February 20, 2011

Are We Sure it's Already Sunday?

Well this weekend flew by in a jiffy. I can't believe it's already 5pm Sunday. I'm really not ready to go back to class this week. It was a productive weekend nonetheless. Good times with friends and Shimmy. I also read for History a bit, though the book is as boring as can be. Someone save me on that one please. I get to sleep in as always tomorrow though so I am quite happy about that. Signed up for a Psych Research Appointment on Tuesday so I'll be somewhat busy. Lots of things on my to do list again, but as long as I can get them done when I want life will be good. Cleaned a bit this weekend, and furminated the Omelette Dog. Needless to say, someone was ticked off. I pet sat this weekend for the roommate. She was out at a flyball tournament so instead of one dog I had dogs. Everyone was good though. Lots of sleep this weekend makes for a happy Marcella. I actually feel quite rested which is surprising. Half the time I'm trying not to pass out from exhaustion. Sad part is, I don't do that much. I blame college, it causes my brain to fry. This causes Marcella to become sleepy. There, perfect explanation. I win. Aside from that I'm really craving Sour Patch Kids right now. I have no idea why. All I know is that I really want some...REALLY REALLY REALLY want some...maybe I'll purchase some later. That would make me happy. :)

Quote of the Day: "Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing." -Anonymous

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