Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Omelettes and Agility Classes

So, I figured I'd do a post about agility class last night. I figured Shimmy would still be up for class, but be a bit chill since we had just finished 4 days of showing. I was sort of wrong. As Renee put it, "She's on fire!" And, I really think she enjoys class. It's so great being able to drop in, she gets so excited and really gives me her all. She loves seeing all of her friends, dog and people. After running our sequences she even ran towards the teeter on the side of the field as her own dog has made huge strides. We were also able to go into the other field to practice a bit on our own afterwards. Shimmy wow'ed me as usual. Her contacts were super speedy and she read me so well. She had one of those fly over the aframe moments. I guess low-fat omelettes are light enough to do that occasionally. :) We can't wait to do it again next week! I'll be so sad to go back to College Station because I'm really going to miss the occasional drop in, but hopefully we'll be able to come by during our winter break. It's been great to practice and see how she grows. She did great on the first sequence and surprised me by being super perfect on the tricky part that a lot of dogs were having problems with. Of course I messed her up on the easy part. Shimmy says a new handler just might be in order if I can't get my act together. The second sequence was a tad more flowy though my arms were sort of everywhere. Thanks to Renee for reminding me to not epically flail while running my dog. That's kind of a plus...She rocked that one as well though. She did great and had that super big smile on her face. I'll try to be good and get some clips at class next week if my camera decides not to be difficult. It's unpredictable though, so I can't make any promises unfortunately. Not sure why it's having a midlife crisis....

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