Saturday, July 30, 2011

Any Day Now...

It's almost puppy time! I'm still debating back and forth between names and which one would work and which one wouldn't. What sounds good, what will work, though I'm sure I won't know until I know for sure who I'll pick. I'll be pretty busy for the next couple of weeks though, so hopefully my mind will someone be kept off of *constant* puppy thoughts. Beach next weekend with Shimmy, Mom, Debra, Jenni, and Shelby. Should be a great weekend filled with fun in the sun and on the sand. I'll be sure to get tons of pictures. Facebook I'm sure will get bombarded with a) beach pictures and b) puppy pictures (depending on when they are born). August 20-21 is the weekend Shimmy and I officially move into the new place at College Station. It'll be a busy weekend and then Gig 'Em Week followed by school starting on August 29th. Is it really almost time for the torture again? I'm sort of not ready. I'm also fairly certain I was either drunk or high when I picked my classes for this semester...did I seriously think this would work? Eh, we'll see how I do. The sooner school starts though, the sooner I'll get back into the busy rhythm and it'll be great to have about a month to get back into the swing of things before I have a psycho little border collie running around the house. For now, I'm just continuously enjoying my best little Omelette dog. I do treasure just the moments I have with her. She's my best girl. Currently drying up from her bath after the dog park (yes we still went because I don't want to be unfair seeing as she loves it so). Of on another topic, we went to IKEA today and purchased my shelf for super dog stuff organizing, and maybe a couple of textbooks will be worthy of sitting on the shelf as well. Knowing me, the textbooks will most likely get dumped somewhere in a corner (but up high so that the puppy doesn't decide that they're a snack). That would be bad considering I'm poor by the end of the school year and I'll need to sell my books back. I'm excited to decorate my new room, but it's not nice that anything that's not "normal wear and tear" which does not include nailing anything to the wall is not allowed. I wish I could hang the dog butt up again...I now have two-one for each dog. Also, there will be no hanging of other stuff. I might try tickytack or some other kind of adhesive stuff. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to share. I kind of like having my walls not be completely bare. Either way, I'm sure I'll find some way to make the room unique. :) Lots of fun stuff coming up for the month of August!

1 comment:

  1. Woah! Didn't realize you were getting a puppy. Awesome. :)
