Sunday, June 5, 2011

Patience is a Virtue

Ok, so maybe I just picked this blog title because I'm trying to convince myself that patience will get me what I want. Piper and Jake have gotten together several times so now we just get to play the waiting game. My guess is that puppies will be born on August 1st. I can't wait to meet my new addition. Along with that, I'm counting down the days until Reliant. Financially we won't be able to make it to the June USDAA trial, so I'm just counting down the days until our favorite show of the year. Hopefully I'll be able to drop into an agility class sometime soon though. Besides that we've just been doing dog park lots. We got rained on today while we were out and it was great seeing as we haven't gotten rain in weeks. Houston is perpetually doomed to wither in it's own dried up chapped up self. Hopefully we'll continue to get rain tomorrow and Tuesday like it's predicted. It would be nice to have a weather change. Life is pretty boring besides that, but I figured a blog post was way overdue and totally necessary, so this is why I'm rambling on about random crap... hope everyone has a great start to their week. Do something exciting!

Quote of the Day: "The purpose of our lives is to be happy." -Dalai Lama

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