Shimmy woke up today feeling quite sick begging to go outside at 7am (totally unlike her). Seemed like she didn't have to do anything though, kept pacing, stretching, wouldn't eat breakfast (definitely not my dog). I called my mom who came home so we could take Shimmer in and we took some Sucralfate tablets home thinking it might just be a tummy bug. We napped and once my mom came home the bout of diarrhea started. At first I wasn't sure if I was seeing blood but sure enough, Shimmy was definitely uncomfortable and quite sick. Back to the vet it was to run some tests and figure out what awful thing was causing her to feel so miserable. I took along a sample of her stool hoping it would help them figure out what was wrong with her. Anyone else ever done that with your dog? I felt like an idiot going "here, I brought some of my dog's poop in case..." In case what? Well, who knows, maybe they did use it to help figure out the problem. Sure enough, the Giardia test came back positive, and my thoughts are that it was from the dog park and all the nasty water she enjoys drinking so much. Yum? Good thing is, she's not on some more medication, and kept down her prescribed dinner. She's more tired than anything at this point and sleeping soundly. She's drinking water again, went to the field just to walk a bit and get fresh air, and she seems to be feeling much better. Hopefully she will continue to improve and keep being the awesome little Shimmy she is. Huge thanks again to all who thought of her throughout the day and asked about her. All your good thoughts are appreciated and helped me get through a stressful day.
In other news, Marisa e-mailed back confirming my question that yes, Piper is in heat! Although not receptive yet, hopefully they'll be bred soon and then puppies can start cooking. Are we sure we can't crank the oven up a bit higher to speed up the process? So excited for the fall. So many good things to look forward to. Life isn't perfect, but there's so much exciting stuff coming up! Will update again once I know more, and again, thanks to everyone for thinking about Shimmy. Seems like lots of pups aren't feeling well lately...hoping that will be over soon!
Quote of the Day: "When you feel dog tired at night, it may be because you've growled all day long." -Unknown
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