Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My life has actually been sorta exciting lately...

So, since Sunday, life actually hasn't been completely boring and bland. Sunday, we headed to the mall for some good times and had gelato afterwards. Absolute yum. :) I even got a new cute swim suit for our *hopefully* upcoming beach trip next weekend. Last year was so much fun, I'm ready to go to the beach again. The beach house was beautiful and it was great to just hang out. Monday I saw Cars2 with Ariana, and it was actually super cute. Love Mater....he's just awesome. Best cars character ever. Sorry for all you Lightning McQueen fans out there. Tuesday I had lunch with madre and then just chilled with Shimmy. We had a fun rerun marathon. She watches all my favorite shows-that's why she's so bad ass. :) Today, Tiffany came over and Shimmy and Bella wrestles until we went to see Kung Fu Panda 2 at 9:35am. Yep, we're that amazing. That's the earliest I've ever gone to the movies. Then we had lunch at the China Inn and afterwards we went to Bones2Go where both girls got spoiled rotten with cookies and I picked up some stuff for Omelette. Then we got back and passed out in the living room and napped for 2 hours cause we were all so tired. Staying up til like 1:30am, getting up at 7:30am and then hanging out all day nonstop...yep, naptime was good. Very very good. After that we dyed Tiffany's hair which is now turning pink, so I think we're gonna have to redo it...oops? :) Tomorrow is going to be a relaxing day. Shimmy and I are just gonna watch some more reruns and hang out. I might do some scrapbooking since I haven't done that in a while. Mom is off this weekend so hopefully we'll find something entertaining to do, and I get to see Evelyn, Jackie and Marlene on Sunday so, good times ahead. Reliant is also approaching fast. I'm getting so super excited for that. It's going to be the best 4 days of summer-no doubt about it. 2 months exactly until school starts up again, which seems like a long time, but hell, it'll be here before I know it. However, I've already figured out when I'm moving in to the new place and have plans for the first weekend back in Cstat. I do miss it....and I'll be happy to be in my little college town again. It's creepy how much you miss a place after only living there for like 9 months...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Health Kick

This total low fat diet thing. Working out, but not liking it. Hopefully I'll get used to it more, but I feel a blog post about my sad food existence is necessary. It's like, there's all these wonderful things that I could eat, or want to eat, and I totally can't cause my body will go "AHHHH". I will say, this whole thing has put food and eating habits into a whole new perspective for me. It's incredible how much junk we're putting into our bodies on a daily basis. It's all processed or includes preservatives. We shove an incredible amount of shit into ourselves every single day. Granted, I do crave bad things, but knowing that right now my digestive system can't quite handle it yet, and knowing how unhealthy it really is (cause I'm forced to read all the labels), really makes me think. It's definitely fun trying out new things and experimenting with different foods. I've gotten creative and actually found a bunch of new things that I enjoy. Along with that I've found ways to eat what I like, but with less fat content. So much healthier and better for your body! I'm definitely ready to shed some pounds and look and feel better. I got the clear from my surgeon today to do whatever I want now. He loved how everything looked and said I was healing just great! That probably made my day! I can play agility again and am definitely going to try and get out sometime next week. However, despite the health kick and the new food experiences, I do still want things that I cannot have so I figured I'd do another illustration for you! I think this is a new thing I'll be doing. It's fun messing around with paint. So, here you go...what I want and what I do not want. Just this picture makes me drool...kind of sad.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Gallbladder Temper Tantrum

As most of you know, due to my Facebook, my gallbladder is no longer with me. But, I'd like to explain the whole concept behind the story and figured I'd do a funny kind of blog post about it. I mean, hell, I'm alive and well, life is good. I'm just missing a gallbladder. Maybe I'm a few pounds lighter?

The whole ordeal started the weekend before last (somewhere beginning June). I had been feeling queasy but not sure why, so I proceeded to blame it on "Tum" the tummy. He wasn't being very nice and we weren't sure why. Culprits and suspects among our case were stress, a stomach bug, or maybe my dog had even given me giardia. Whatever it was, it was awful. It came with back pain, chest pain, I couldn't breathe, there was no way to lay down or even get comfortable, yet it only came on strongly at night.

Being the drama queen I am, I'm thinking the worst, like maybe cancer or some terrible unknowing doom that's unfixable and that I'm terminal.

So Friday night, June 10th, it starts around 10pm and I sit around until 3am like an idiot hoping it goes away. I'm panicking by this point, not wanting to go to the hospital but knowing it's a necessary thing by now. We drag ourselves downstairs, and granted, this is all way more dramatic than I'm sure it was, but I'm laying on the couch telling my mom to hurry up. Meanwhile, Omelette is running around confused as crap. My first question "Mom, what do we do with Shimmer?" What? Like I thought we were gonna be able to take her. I guess it was just one of those random questions that happened to pop up.

Next thing I know, we're driving down highway 6, me looking all drugged up and drunk in the passenger seat wondering which hospital we're going to. By this point, I really wasn't able to walk and mom helped me get into the emergency room lobby. Since there were no couches, I draped myself over some half crap love seat excuse for a couch and someone came out and took my vitals. I don't remember what they said, but all I remember having to go do was pee in a cup. Quite tricky when your gallbladder (unbeknownst to you) is having a temper tantrum and what not.

We get into one of the rooms (room 6) and my morbid self can only think of how 6 is the devil's number and how I just may die because my insides feel like they're burning and soaking in corrosive acids.

A bunch of people did a bunch of pushing on my belly (which definitely made my gallbladder even more unhappy). I got to have a CAT scan done and thought about random dye hanging out in my insides going, "weeee look at us, we're organs". So, they give me an IV telling me I'm dehydrated and that the IV will help that and my stomach calm down. Well, about half way through the IV bag my stomach is still not feeling great. They finally give me a shot of morphine and I'm out until they come back around 6am to tell me my lymph nodes are being weird and swelling and that they want me to see a specialist. By this point, I'm thinking, "boy, don't I feel 'special' getting to see a specialist. Hopefully this doesn't mean I'm dying."

We get up to a room on 5th floor and it's all nice and pretty and private. I'm out at this point just trying to make the pain go away. Around 1pm that afternoon I get my belly squished even more when they do an ultrasound. Granted, the lady was super nice, but the entire time I laid there wanting to punch the wall because again, my insides were screaming out in pain. Life was good though, cause afterwards, they gave me a nice warm blanket. FTW!

They told us that the surgeon would be in the next day (Sunday) to talk to us about what was going on since the weekend schedule was different and he was already gone for the day. I'm thinking surgeon, and panicking again, but try to get some sleep, and thanks to the morphine, it worked.

The surgeon came in the next day and really broke the news like a bombshell.
Surgeon: "So, I've been hearing you've been having problems with your gallbladder."
Me: "Huh?"
*Surgeon proceeds to poke belly*
Surgeon: "Well, we'll do surgery tomorrow. It's pretty quick, we do it with a laser, and it should take 20-30 minutes tops."
Me: "HUH?!?!"
*Marcella proceeds to burst into tears frantically*
Surgeon: "No tears, it'll all be ok..."

Ok, so maybe he wasn't that bland about it, but he was pretty straight forward and chill with it, and here I am sitting, thinking, "DAMN IT!"

By this point we're naming things in the hospital. We realized the whole thing wasn't Tum's fault, but instead Gall that was causing the issue. Gall was the one that brought all the stones into the apartment complex causing grumpy old Tum to be upset and call for an eviction notice. We also decided to give the hospital a name....Holly the Hospital. I think the morphine was getting to me at this point. Along with that, I had Irene Victoria, my trusty IV who went with me everywhere. Boy, I miss that girl...Like I said, morphine talking....all morphine.

The surgery crap and everything that followed was basically a frantic, "Oh God, will I be ok?" followed by, everything went fine, and there's a few cuts in me, and I'm missing a gallbladder. All is well though and the healing is going fine. I'm still thinking though, poor gallbladder, if only it hadn't been such a difficult tenant in my house, maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't have had to be kicked out with all it's unruly little gallstone children...

Aside from that, I figured I'd do a little illustration since my gallbladder was super and I mean like CRAZY inflamed according to the blunt surgeon man who we see again on Wednesday for a check up. I'm hoping my belly won't get poked like crazy again, it's still trying to get over being blown up, having a camera stuck inside it, and having tools move around and rearrange all of my organs, thankyouverymuch.

Thanks to all those who thought of me and sent me well wishes and prayers on facebook. I also appreciate everyone who came to visit me while I was in the hospital and brought me beautiful flowers, pretty cards, and all the great nurses and doctors that made sure I was ok. It could always be worse, I'm alive, I'm healthy, and that's what matters. :)

Hope the picture kind of gives you an idea of what my life has been like for the past week or so...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Patience is a Virtue

Ok, so maybe I just picked this blog title because I'm trying to convince myself that patience will get me what I want. Piper and Jake have gotten together several times so now we just get to play the waiting game. My guess is that puppies will be born on August 1st. I can't wait to meet my new addition. Along with that, I'm counting down the days until Reliant. Financially we won't be able to make it to the June USDAA trial, so I'm just counting down the days until our favorite show of the year. Hopefully I'll be able to drop into an agility class sometime soon though. Besides that we've just been doing dog park lots. We got rained on today while we were out and it was great seeing as we haven't gotten rain in weeks. Houston is perpetually doomed to wither in it's own dried up chapped up self. Hopefully we'll continue to get rain tomorrow and Tuesday like it's predicted. It would be nice to have a weather change. Life is pretty boring besides that, but I figured a blog post was way overdue and totally necessary, so this is why I'm rambling on about random crap... hope everyone has a great start to their week. Do something exciting!

Quote of the Day: "The purpose of our lives is to be happy." -Dalai Lama