This weekend was my birthday and our 3 day USDAA agility trial extravaganza. We had an absolutely amazing and kick-ass time! We got back in College Station on Thursday morning and set up at the trial site and helped out a bit. Then we headed to the grocery store because Shimmy and I were in need of some serious stocking up. We then headed back to the trial site to help out some more and then headed to dinner at the Hullabaloo Diner. The food was incredibly delicious. Dessert was of course the best-we had regular cheesecake and chocolate cheesecake-I died and went to heaven it was so good. The next morning we headed to the trial site and started our day.
Friday 3/18/11: Masters Gamblers-NQ Advanced Snooker-Q/1st (AS Title), Starters Standard-NQ/3rd, Steeplechase-NQ, and Masters Jumpers-NQ
Saturday 3/19:/11 Masters Jumpers-Q, Starters Pairs-NQ/3rd, Starters Standard-NQ/2nd, and Masters Gamblers-NQ
Sunday 3/20/11: Masters Gamblers-Q, Starters Standard-Q/1st, Advanced Snooker-Q/2nd, and Masters Jumpers-NQ
Overall we truly had a fantastic weekend. When we Qed we were in total sync and when we NQed it was just a little thing here or there. I am mostly very proud of her first 2 Masters Qs and the fact that her teeter performances vastly improved over the course of the weekend. She even got a teeter gamble, although we just didn't Q due to being half a second over time, same thing happened in jumpers today. She had a bunch of positive moments and great runs and I was so pleased with her this weekend. It was a great birthday with good people and an amazing dog! Shimmy also got worked on by Ken Bain and got herself some trigger point therapy. I think part of our success was those magic hands! Shimmy is currently out and snoozing away. She's had a long weekend and we had a great Spring Break, too! Sad to see that it's coming to an end, but I was glad that it happened and we got to do some awesome stuff. Now to finish these last couple of weeks of school. May 11th is the official last day so that's the goal we're keeping our eyes on right now. We're shooting for a great ending to the semester and some good times in between!
Quote of the Day: "Celebrate what you want to see more of. " -Tom Peters
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